How to access wp-admin


Hi, We have just completed the website migration to AWS Lightsail however we are not able to login to the admin account. Since there is SMTP configured yet we cannot even reset the password. Is there a way to access the file manager to disable some plugins?

asked 2 years ago576 views
1 Answer


Did you configure Bitnami Wordpress and migrate your data?
In that case, you can SSH from the Lightsail console and reset your password with the following approach.

profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • Yes I tried this and it gave me all users registered on the platform which is in thousands. No luck here because there is no search functionality.

  • it gave me all users registered on the platform which is in thousands. No luck here because there is no search functionality.

    Is it possible to access by SSH and reset the administrator password? Please share the issue.

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