Website with multi-language support


Current setup: website with English and German content. i want to change website content based on user location. website is deployed in ECS as a container and can access using application load balancer.

Programming languages used:

  1. html, css, js, type script, react etc

Note: I don't want to get user location from user.


  1. can we able to change language of a website using any AWS services?
  2. can we able to change the website language based on user location without asking user location? can we do this in code itself.
  3. what are the AWS services i need to use to achieve this?
1 Answer


can we able to change language of a website using any AWS services?

Probably possible using Amazon Translate.

can we able to change the website language based on user location without asking user location? can we do this in code itself.

I think it is possible to identify the country to some extent from the access source IP address by using the following API.

what are the AWS services i need to use to achieve this?

This overlaps with question 1, but it is probably possible using Amazon Translate.

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answered 10 months ago

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