Personal AWS SKill Builder Account Inaccessible


Hi, My personal AWS Skill Builder Account is inaccessible since MFA is enabled on it and codes got lost when my mobile device got damaged. Now i am unable to login, but i want to get back my account.

What support can i get to resolve this promptly


asked a month ago48 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


The best way is to use the form at the bottom of the homepage under Support.

Please, see note on

We recommend that you periodically review your registered MFA devices to ensure 
they are up to date and functional. Additionally, you should store those devices 
in a place that is physically secure when not in use. If you lose access to all registered 
MFA devices, you will be unable to recover your AWS Builder ID.

Good luck!


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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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