UPSERT RDS tables using AWS Glue Studio Visual and alternatively using Notebook


Similar to RedShift or Snowflake tables is there a way to perform UPSERT for RDS DBs or non RS/SF DB/tables using Glue Visual? I know Spark Dataframe through JDBS connections only support Insert / Overwrite, have seen multiple re:Post on this topic, but all are couple of years old. are there any updates to this functionality in the recent times?

If not with Glue Visual, using Notebook, I see an article ( explaining how to achieve this using broadcast variables and foreachPartition call approach, is there any better way or alternative to this approach?

asked 6 months ago227 views
1 Answer

Not out of the box (with the exceptions you mention), you normally do that writing into a temporary table and then issuing a MERGE/UPSERT query into the final table using a separate JDBC connection (so you need a custom code node).

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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