How can I connect again to my Windows EC2 instance through RDP?


Hi, I use a Microsoft EC2 instance which was working perfectly fine. However, after handling an issue I was disconnected from the instance. And since, it is impossible to connect again.

I tried to solve a coding issue that may have needed to disable the Microsoft firewalls. After doing so, it appeared that it was not the issue, so I reseted the default settings. By doing that, my VM froze and the RDP tried to connect again to the EC2 instance in vain. And since then, it is impossible to connect to it (even after restarting the instance), eventhough everything seems fine in the EC2 instances' tab.

Does anyone have any idea on what to do to make this instance work again?

asked 8 months ago311 views
1 Answer


Please try troubleshooting by following the steps in the document below.
Since we are troubleshooting using Systems Manager, we need to set the IAM policy "AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" in the EC2 IAM role and register it as a Systems Manager managed instance.

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answered 8 months ago

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