Endpoint to access AWS Glue Schema Registry


We have a requirement where we need to register our Avro schema in Glue schema registry from a service running in my onprem cluster (outside AWS ). We have provisioned AWS Glue schema registry for this purpose but we do not find an option of endpoints to access the schema registry. We are able to create and access schema using registry name from within AWS EKS cluster. But we need a way to access it from outside AWS

asked 6 months ago378 views
1 Answer

To register your Avro schema in AWS Glue Schema Registry from an on-premises cluster, you'll need to interact with AWS services over the internet. Since AWS Glue Schema Registry doesn't provide a public endpoint directly, you can use the AWS SDK or AWS CLI to interact with the Schema Registry through the AWS Glue API.

  1. Ensure your on-premises service has AWS credentials and permissions to access AWS Glue Schema Registry.
  2. Install the AWS SDK or AWS CLI on your on-premises machine or service.
  3. Use the AWS SDK or CLI to register your Avro schema with AWS Glue Schema Registry.
  4. Make sure your on-premises cluster can connect to AWS services over the internet.


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answered 6 months ago
  • Thanks for the response , but i would like to understand more on the Point 1, so within AWS we use IAM policies and Service Account permissions to access Glue schema registry but when my service runs on premise(private data centre) I do not have IAM , so just by setting the AWSSchemaregistryConstants values will I be able to register my schema in AWS Glue schema registry.

  • To add to the answer, the CLI, SDK or boto3 will rely on the Glue endpoint, there is not Schema specific service endpoint

  • When running services from an on-premises environment, you can still use AWS IAM by creating an IAM user or role with the necessary permissions for AWS Glue Schema Registry and then use its credentials (access key ID and secret access key) in your service. You'll configure these credentials in your application or service environment to authenticate and authorize your requests to AWS Glue Schema Registry. This method extends AWS security and management to your on-premises services, allowing them to interact with AWS resources securely.

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