Course with AWS Provider


Hello good morning, a consultation..I am Director of a Company, and I am about to give a training in an ERP, for which I was told that I had to have a Provider in the Cloud...but that this was temporary..that is, I download the ERP to give the Course, but the information lasts only 30 days and that after 30 days all the information is this so?


asked a year ago221 views
1 Answer

Hello there,

For your training requirements, it is possible to set up a cloud-based ERP system. Cloud services are a wonderful fit for you.

Your data is not erased by AWS automatically after a predetermined amount of time. The length of data storage is entirely dependent on your preferences and requirements. You may definitely set it up that way if you need your data to be accessible for only 30 days. You may keep expenditures under control and preserve data cleanliness with the aid of this setup.

Furthermore, you might set up lifecycle policies in the S3 storage service from AWS to accomplish this. You can set a timer to have data deleted automatically. After the training, you could either destroy the ERP instance manually or automatically.

If the data is crucial, backups are essential. Despite AWS's high level of dependability, mishaps can occur, therefore it's always a good idea to have a backup plan.

answered a year ago
  • Hello!! Thanks for your answer!! Really its a great notice. Well, I'll put in practice, so, just I need to configure the Cloud for to maintain the data more time. Thanks again!! Kind regards,

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