"ClientError: No valid partitions. Not a valid volume" while exporting AWS instance to my device


Hi, I am trying to export the AWS instance to my device; to be used at VMWARE ESXI (Locally). I used the following AWS document: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmexport.html The export process started, and when checking the status of this process, the "StatusMessage": (active). Rechecking the status after 5 MINS, it printed the following error: "StatusMessage": "ClientError: No valid partitions. Not a valid volume."

Anyone can help!

In another hand, I am using this to export AL2023 Image to use locally, if anyone can help find this ISO/OVA/VMDK image for the VMWARE ESXI that will be appreciated!


2 Answers

Hi! What vSphere version are you running? Can you also verify if this instance has more than one virtual disk and if it's shared from another AWS account? This VMware Post talks about this issue as well: https://communities.vmware.com/t5/Break-Fix-Technical-Discussions/Need-to-migrate-Amazon-EC2-Instances-to-VMware-infrastructure/td-p/528051

Let me know if that helps!

answered a year ago
  • My vSphere version is: (6.7.0 ). The AWS instances don't have any additional storage attached. Note: I ran the AWS CLI command using my (Windows Computer) to export the image to the S3, then download it, and finally upload it to vSphare.


Hello there, I'm currently converting CISCO v8000k catalyst application ova file to AMI image and facing this issue -"Status": "deleted", "StatusMessage": "ClientError: No valid partitions. Not a valid volume." If anyone has encountered a similar situation or has resolution how to share, please help. Really appreciated it and thanks!

answered 3 months ago

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