Logstreaming addon fails which causes deployment to fail


I have a play application written in Scala that I deploy using elastic beanstalk. Up until now this has worked fine, but a few days ago new deployments started failing. The error message in eb-activity.log that I get is:

\[2020-11-25T20:54:29.150Z] INFO  \[3127]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201125b@152/AddonsBefore] : Starting activity...  
\[2020-11-25T20:54:29.150Z] INFO  \[3127]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201125b@152/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent] : Starting activity...  
\[2020-11-25T20:54:29.150Z] INFO  \[3127]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201125b@152/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Starting activity...  
\[2020-11-25T20:54:58.963Z] INFO  \[3127]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201125b@152/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Activity execution failed, because:  (ElasticBeanstalk::ExternalInvocationError)  
caused by:  (Executor::NonZeroExitStatus)  
\[2020-11-25T20:54:58.964Z] INFO  \[3127]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201125b@152/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Activity failed.  
\[2020-11-25T20:54:58.964Z] INFO  \[3127]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201125b@152/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent] : Activity failed.  

Deploying to other test environments works, here is the relevant log line when it works:

\[2020-11-25T23:19:51.549Z] INFO  \[3058]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201126a@482/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent] : Starting activity...  
\[2020-11-25T23:19:51.549Z] INFO  \[3058]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201126a@482/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Starting activity...  
\[2020-11-25T23:19:53.910Z] INFO  \[3058]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201126a@482/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Completed activity. Result:  
  Starting awslogs: \[  OK  ]  
  Enabled log streaming.  
\[2020-11-25T23:19:53.910Z] INFO  \[3058]  - \[Application deployment givinga-1.8.1-20201126a@482/AddonsBefore/ConfigCWLAgent] : Completed activity. Result:  
  Successfully execute hooks in directory /opt/elasticbeanstalk/addons/logstreaming/hooks/config.  

So my question is, what is the log streaming doing here? What could cause it to fail when I haven't changed my config? There doesn't seem to be a way for me to delete this addon, or even to configure it. I've tried googling but with no success. There seems to be no documentation on this script, or what "ElasticBeanstalk::ExternalInvocationError" could mean. Any help would be much appreciated.

asked 4 years ago267 views
1 Answer

This appears to have been caused by the AWS outage in us-east-1, it's resolved now.

answered 4 years ago

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