I can't find the FBX Importer in 1.10v


I can't find the FBX Importer in 1.10v

I want import FBX or OBJ to Lumberyard.I tried whole day,but i can't figure it out.


asked 7 years ago222 views
5 Answers
Accepted Answer


Hoping this Doc is helps in your process:


Cheers! :)

answered 7 years ago

thanks a lot,but i have an another question,why i can't display the material when i import the FBX,but the shadow is under the model.The model in FBX Reviewer is correct.


answered 7 years ago

The issue is that the texture is not correctly applied to the material. There are two cases I have encountered: 1.) The path to the texture is invalid, or the texture is not present in the location where the material expects it. 2.) The texture is present and the path is correct but the OPACITY of the material is all the way down making the texture transparent.

I work in Blender and wrestle with this as well.

answered 7 years ago

Curious — can take the perspective camera into your model in the scene? I wonder if its a normals issue or if the material didn't fully load in. Also check your Asset Processor to see if there's any pending items :)

answered 7 years ago


answered 7 years ago

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