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Question about AWS RDS sharding


Hi everyone,

I was reading the AWS documentation on sharding (you can find it here: It mentions that the "Routing logic resides at the application tier." Does this mean that developers are responsible for writing the routing logic in their applications to identify which database shard to use for retrieving and persisting data?

asked 4 months ago451 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Yes, you are correct.
As of August 2024, RDS does not have the ability to do its own sharding.
Therefore, if you want to perform sharding, you need to create it so that the application side selects the RDS for writing.

There is also something called Aurora Limitless Database, but this feature is still in preview, so I don't think it is suitable for use in a production environment.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

Hi @Riku Kobayashi, Thanks for clarifying my question

answered 4 months ago

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