Add primary key information in a DMS CDC event.


We are streaming the CDC data using DMS and clients are consuming it. While consuming the DMS event, clients are unable to identify primary key in a DMS event. Do we have any transformation rule of DMS which can add primary key automatically to the DMS event?

asked a year ago579 views
3 Answers

What are you trying to achieve: detect if the PK of a given row is among the data that was updated?

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • No we want to get the PK information for a row in the meta data info of DMS event irrespective of the operation.


AFAIK, for sake of efficiency, cdc does not supply structural information like PK in its updates. It is something that you have to manage on the receiving end: you can for example create a trigger on this receiving table. This trigger executes the specific action that you want when the PK is about to be updated: this trigger could even refuse the update if such is your purpose or do anything else you need when PK is updated.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hello, Your question is not clear. I am assuming you would like to add a column value which can behave like primary key. But CDC is possible if you have primary key or unique key (without Nulls) on the table.

Below is one of the blog which talk about one of the dms feature to manipulate data which is getting replicated.

Hope this can help. Thanks JItender

answered a year ago

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