Best local Tech Stack to use for AWS server development


What are the pros using to develop on a AWS server? I tried Visual Studio Code with various extensions but a major extension Remote SSH by Microsoft causes the server Ubuntu c6a.xlarge to crash every time. There is no solution and its a known issue. I can not find a reliable extension to solve remote on server editing of files. Using something like FileZilla or WinSCP is subpar. When it works for a few minutes its cool as you can have all the other extensions and tools available such as a nice interface with code helpers. So what are the go to tools devs are using? eg tasks -Wordpress, PHP, CSS, Javascript, Nginx, MariaDB, etc.

asked 24 days ago210 views
2 Answers
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answered 24 days ago
  • That uses Remote SSH the thing that crashes the server all the time. The monitor graph shows the server goes to 100% and then I think AWS shuts it down somehow so there is no error log. The tutorial says: "Install Remote – SSH Extension First, install the Remote SSH extension in Visual Studio Code."

  • maybe your SSH connection crashes due to no activity for some time ?



How about configuring CI/CD so that it never connects to the remote server in the first place?
If you can set up CI/CD, you can automatically deploy applications by simply pushing code to a repository such as GitHub.
Since it can be deployed automatically, there is no need to connect via SSH etc. to edit the code on the server.

If you simply want to automatically deploy an application to EC2, I think you should set up CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline.

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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 21 days ago

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