AWS Marketplace Seller Guidance - Install based Product


Hello, We are planning to list our Install based product on marketplace. However, AMI based product type buyer workflow doesn't fit into our process. Need help.

Currently, customer sign up on our customer portal and purchase it . Once purchased, they can download the installer and license to use it on any Virtual Machine including EC2. Our products are offered in t-shirt size measures (S,M,L etc.). We want to list our product on Marketplace. After customer subscribe to S size product , Is there any way we can route customers to our portal for signup, installer and license download ?

Appreciate your help.

Thanks, Amit

1 Answer


The AWS Marketplace is designed to support products running on AWS services. The only VM type supported is AMI's. My suggestion would be to create a version of your software pre-installed on an AMI. This eliminates the installer and license download for your customers. Customers can then procure your software through the AWS Marketplace to run on EC2. If the customer has a use case where they need to run your software outside of AWS, they can purchase the appropriate installer and license from your website.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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