AWS DMS CDC task with Mongodb as source fails


Data migration tasks fails even after making all the changes in mongo db. Have created a role and user in the database I am using (non-root user account). But the changestream seems to be not working correctly.

Encountered an error while initializing change stream: 'not authorized on admin to execute command .....

The endpoint connection is successful. Please let me know what I am missing.

1 Answer

this could be due to missing permission to initialize change stream. More specifically this is for source mongodb 4.x onwards please refer to section which tells how to create a role with that permission and also how to assign the same to dms user.

answered 2 years ago
  • Hi team, Why is it a admin DB? Seems I never specified db before, how to modify the db name?

    Encountered an error while initializing change stream: 'not authorized on admin to execute command {....$db: "admin".....' [1020401] (change_streams_capture.c:356)

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