Does VPC Link have any IP Address of its own?


When I connect HTTP APIGW to VPC LINK to a Public ALB, what does the traffic flow look like?

Does the traffic flow through Internet? Does VPC link have an IP of its own? What should be my security group rule in this case?

1 Answer


VPC Link is a feature of AWS API Gateway that allows you to create a private and secure connection between your API Gateway REST API or HTTP API and resources with your VPC. It uses AWS Private Link to facilitate this private connectivity. AWS PrivateLink (including VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint services) does not have its own IP addresses assigned. Instead of IP addresses, PrivateLink uses elastic network interfaces (ENIs) and private IP addresses from within your VPC's IP address range. The traffic between your VPC and the AWS service or resource is routed using the ENIs and private IP addresses within your VPC's IP address range, without requiring any public IP addresses or exposing your resources to the internet.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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