Reverse DNS on dedicated IPs in relation to Googles Email sender guidelines more then 5000 pr day



In relation to this question. If we send out on behalf of verified domains, with FROM MAIL feature enabled and verified, would that invalidate the reverse DNS setup for the verified domain? The question is in light of Googles announcement that Gmail has additional requirements for email senders sending more then 5000 email pr. day.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The FROM MAIL is a header that is added to the SMTP envelope, and the reverse DNS is related to the actual IP that is used to send your e-mail. The reason you need a valid reverse DNS is sometimes receiving mail servers will not accept SMTP e-mail from a sender that does not have a reverse DNS record. This is independent from the actual domain that is sending - as many domains can send email over the same IP address.

This is where e-mail authentication comes in - which is what Google require:

An SPF record is used to tell a receiver of your message which mail servers (IP Addresses) are allowed to send e-mail on your behalf. It is therefore important that you create an SPF record for SES in your sending domains DNS. AWS document how to do this for a custom mail-from address here:

Furthermore Google expects you to use DKIM to sign your messages. You can configure DKIM with SES by following the documentation here:

And lastly Google expect that you have a DMARC policy published telling recipients how to handle your email. Effectively this is a way to say that if an email is received from you, that is not either from an IP address that has been validated by an SPF record, or that has a valid DKIM signature may not be from you.

You can learn how to configure a DMARC policy for your SES here:

It is important to setup these carefully - if you want to ensure maximum delivery of your messages. Even then you will still receive SPAM complaints and bounces. To prevent these impacting your reputation with Google, I recommend that you always turn on the account wide suppression lists as documented here:

You should also consider handling complaints and bounces to maintain the integrity of your sending reputation - using techniques discussed in this blog:

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • But isn't reverse DNS what Google is announcing that they will require for senders above 5000 email pr day? "Important: The sending IP address must match the IP address of the hostname specified in the Pointer (PTR) record." Does aws ses have reverse DNS build in for verified domains or does the domain holder/owner need to add additional records in order to adhere to the reverse DNS requirement?


In addition to that, Please refer to below blogpost with regards to Bulk Sender Changes at Yahoo/Gmail. Blog clarifies any areas of confusion on this change and provides you with the information you need to be prepared for February 2024 from SES end.

An Overview of Bulk Sender Changes at Yahoo/Gmail

Manoj G
answered 6 months ago

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