Error 1054 Unknown Column while Inserting into Table in Aurora MySQL


I'm getting a very frustrating error while attempting to insert a simple record into a table in AWS Aurora MySQL, using Workbench to connect. Even when using the scripting tool by right-clicking the table name and selecting "Send to SQL Editor-->Insert Statement" or by doing a select top 1000 rows and utilizing the grid function to enter, then "Apply" the new row, it does not work.

The error I continue to get is Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'NEW.USER_ID' in 'field list'

There is very clearly a column called USER_ID on my table. Any ideas? I'm connected as the admin user. I've been able to execute create trigger and create view scripts on this database, but just not insert a row into this table.

asked 3 years ago608 views
1 Answer

Turns out I had a trigger on the table that had some bad syntax in it, fixed that and it all worked fine

answered 3 years ago

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