No response for business support for RDS regarding tickets


we have AWS Business supports but whenever we raise RDS related queries even with production system impaired severity. AWS takes more time to associate an agent. It's really bad to say that from morning we raised multiple tickets but no response yet

asked 24 days ago88 views
2 Answers


The reasonably time for AWS Support agent to be assigned for Business support plan in the case of Production system impaired is 4 hours.

I would recommend opening a live chat with support! I hope this helps you to have a conversation with the support team soon!

profile picture
answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago

Hi there,

I'm very sorry to hear about this concern. This certainly isn't the experience that we aim for.

Even though we're unable to discuss account or case details over re:Post due to this platform being unauthenticated, I'd like to assist you with this.

I can imagine your need to have this resolved. Which is why I've reached out internally to raise your feedback directly to our team handling your case.

In the meantime, please continue to monitor your support case for any updates from our team.

— Aimee K.

answered 24 days ago

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