path based routing


i have one web application '' which is hosted in ec2 (aws). one server is hosted in london region another is hosted mumbai region. i am using global accelerator for geolocation routing(standard routing). so user is connecting to nearest server. but if i want to connect my london server, i need to use VPN. but i need some path based routing. for example needs to route london server. needs to route mumbai server. any good solution for this ? architecture : global accelerator points to two endpoints,mumbai and lonodn alb. ip of global accelerator added to route53.

1 Answer

One way you could do this is to set up a zone for that has two geolocation routing records for both UK and India. The records will be called and and they will be pointing to two different AGA's. The AGA's will be regional with 100% weight towards the respective regions. Traffic sourced from London will route to record -> geolocation will recognize the source address as UK and use the CNAME alias to -> that IP will be of the aga associated with the UK region.

answered 5 months ago
  • @kyle,thanks for your answer. this solution will be same as sub domain. i need path based routing.

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