EC2 instance Status Check failed and server stopped working


I am using an AWS EC2 instance (t3.xlarge) running on Ubuntu server 18.04.6 LTS, which was working fine. But suddenly I encountered an error where the instance status check failed "Instance reachability check failed" and I was not able to connect to my instance through ssh also the website attached to this server also stopped working. I don't see any storage or Ram issue during this time.

I had to force stop and start the instance from the AWS EC2 Console to fix this issue.

Later after connecting to the server, I checked the syslog where some of the services were killed as shown in below image around the same time when the instance status check failed. Enter image description here

I would like to know what is the route cause or trigger for this issue and the steps I can take to avoid such issues in the future.

Please comment if more information is required.

Your help in solving this issue is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Surya,

Please review this article in troubleshooting this issue.

It's difficult to say for certain what caused the instance status check failure without the specific details about EC2 machine and its logs. I would encourage you to open a Technical case with AWS Support by choosing topic Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2 - Linux) and AWS support team should be able to deep dive into instance logs and provide your better insights.

I hope this helps, if it does it would be greatly appreciated if you can accept the answer so that community can benefit for clarity.

Thank you, Nihar

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

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