Simple Email Service limit increase



we are developing a CRM SAAS solution for financial service companies in Australia. Currently we are trying to migrate our business to AWS and we faced a bizarre limit - we cannot send emails from the CRM. In our business this is a must - by regulations, all finance service companies in Australia must send their customers an email with Financial Serivce Guide (FSG) attached, and usual communication is also email based. However EC2 servers cannot send emails and even we had applied for the port to be open last week - until now we only got one reply asking form more information, and then - silence for 3 days now. I tired to employ SES service for email delivery, made customer to update their DNS for that service and setup CRM to be capable of using that. Then applied for SES limit increase and sandbox removal, that was 5 hours ago now and that ticket is still unassigned. Is there another working solution how to send emails from AWS servers? Or this is usual business and we should avoid AWS while we still can?

asked 5 years ago322 views
1 Answer

The situation had been resolved the next day

answered 5 years ago

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