AWS ECS and Cloud Map quotas

  1. AWS ECS services per namespace quotas I want to ask about AWS ECS quotas for services per namespace Does it mean that the namespace of Cloud Map can only be bound to a maximum of 100 services under the AWS ECS cluster?
  2. AWS Cloud Map Instances per namespace quotas Does the Instances per namespace item of Cloud Map quota also indicate the calculation of EC2 and Fargate?
asked 4 months ago221 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Allen,

please go through the below documentation link it will be helps to resolve your issue.

AWS ECS Services per Namespace Quotas:

A Cloud Map namespace can be bound to a maximum of 100 ECS services.

AWS Cloud Map Instances per Namespace Quotas:

The quota includes up to 1,000 instances (EC2 and Fargate) per Cloud Map namespace.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
reviewed 4 months ago

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