what is the replacement function in athena for add_months ?


We are migrating hue query into athena. Currently we are facing issue in finding replacement for add_months function. Can you suggest here ? Basically, how to add/minus the number of months in athena, this should solve our issue. Please help, thank you

I have tried the below things but these functions are not working in athena

select dateadd(month, 3, CAST(format_datetime(date_parse(cast(20220331 as VARCHAR),'%Y%m%d'),'yyyy-MM-dd') AS VARCHAR));

select date_add('month', 3, CAST(format_datetime(date_parse(cast(20220331 as VARCHAR),'%Y%m%d'),'yyyy-MM-dd') AS VARCHAR));

select date_add('month', 3, CAST(format_datetime(date_parse(cast(20220331 as VARCHAR),'%Y%m%d'),'yyyy-MM-dd') AS VARCHAR));

SELECT DATE_ADD('day', 10, '2020-06-15') 
asked 2 years ago414 views
1 Answer

I am able to achieve this using date_add function , thank you

answered 2 years ago

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