With the implementation of Cloud Intelligence Dashboards such as CUDOS, is it possible to implement granular access? To what degree are the dashboards customizable?


On the CUDOS Dashboard, is it possible to restrict access to of say, data / spending / etc. of AWS account A only to Quicksight User Anne, while Quicksight User Bob can also see the CUDOS dashboard, but only data relating to AWS account B.

To what degree are the dashboards customizable? Are we able to, for example, customize a dashboard and change their names (e.g. instead of seeing the account ID (1234567891012), we see a name? Are we able to group different accounts together on the dashboard?

I cannot find much in the documentation surrounding the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard on this.

1 Answer

There are walkthroughs on the CID Workshop webpage that address these and other scenarios. Information on adding account names is here: https://catalog.workshops.aws/awscid/en-US/dashboards/foundational/cudos-cid-kpi/add-accounts For access restrictions, you can implement Row Level Security: https://catalog.workshops.aws/awscid/en-US/customizations/row-level-security For general customizations you would create an analysis: https://catalog.workshops.aws/awscid/en-US/customizations/create-analysis

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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