AWS Pinpoint FCM API version


Hello! We currently have an Android App using Firebase with AWS Pinpoint and its FCM feature to send push notifications to the app. We got noticed by Firebase, that their legacy API will be decommissioned next year. Is there a roadmap or something to know when AWS Pinpoint will switch from the legacy API to the new v1 API from Firebase?

Best regards, Gel

asked 10 months ago586 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Currently SNS sends FCM push notifications using legacy FCM APIs and you may receive another communication whenever SNS introduces the v1 FCM APIs. Until then, rest assured your FCM push notifications ability through the SNS will not be disrupted.

answered 10 months ago

Thanks for the answer! Since we also have to update our Android app client, it would be nice to get a notice in advance.

answered 10 months ago

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