Creating OTA pdate job for virtual thing


Hellow! I'm trying to create OTA update job for not created thing within IOT core. I use sdk for javascript and it always returns code listed below. Is it possible to create OTA job or job for this case?

 errorInfo: {
      code: 'ResourceNotFoundException',
      message: 'Thing <thing_name_that_not_present> cannot be found. (Service: AWSIot; Status Code: 404; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: f813ebaa-fd51-43cc-ae2c-8156572f1755; Proxy: null)'
asked 3 months ago123 views
1 Answer

Is it possible to create OTA job or job for this case?

No. They need to already exist.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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