Quota limit reached for number of instance but there is no any instances.


I'm trying to create amazon connect instance but I'm getting this message "Quota limit reached for number of instance for account:2*******2. Please request service limit increase before retrying". But Iinstance running. There was one but I deleted it before creating the new one.**

2 Answers

I recommend checking the other regions for launched instances. If this is unexpected I also recommend changing your password and turning on Multi-factor Authentication.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hi, this is Abhi from AWS. As per this,

  1. The service quota value of 2 for Amazon Connect instances is per account, and therefore I would recommend verifying that there are no other Amazon Connect instances in other regions.
  2. This service quota is adjustable, and you can use this to request a higher value, if your use case requires it,
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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