GreenGrass V2 with ECC Keys in a Secure Element


How close is AWS in supporting pkcs11 ECC Keys in GreenGrass ? We are using ATECC608B's from microchip with AWS-IoT and that is already supported if we use our own mosquitto broker on the device, But for GreenGrass V2 this won't work currently.

I see some pull requests for pkcs11 keys (and an announcement here) and some for ECC so I assume it is on the Roadmap ? Is this a correct assumption ? And if so, is there a timeline that we can get ?

asked 2 years ago326 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Wait no longer! ECC support is available in Nucleus 2.5.6 (

answered 2 years ago
  • whoa !!! and pkcs11 support is there as well ?

  • clogwog, PKCS#11 support has been present since Nucleus 2.5.3 (see docs). The latest release (2.5.6) pulled in an update to the AWS IoT Device SDK which added the support for ECC.

  • @Rob thank you !! this is very very good news for us !

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