PinPoint 10DLC still pending after 3 weeks


I registered my 10DLC number on May 20, 2023, to replace a long-code (same campaign). It still shows as "pending" nearly a month later. Is this normal?


  • Was this ever resolved? No mention of how long a 10DLC number will take to pass Pending status. This is not about Campaigns people. The documentation on how this service works is opaque at the least. I'm documenting each step as I build my workflow to fill in the blanks. For example, manual opt-in requires two-way SMS and requires SNS, but there is no mention of what the data looks like going into SNS. I'm assuming I'll see data like two-way:from:message so that we can parse the messages and update our user profile opt-outs.

asked a year ago1000 views
2 Answers

Please note once you create campaign and submit, campaign goes into pending state for provider 1st review and it takes around 3 weeks for review or some time more depending on use case.

You can check the status of 10DLC campaign by referring to the below documentation.


Moving ahead, if campaign is approved then campaign moves to requires_number state and you will be required to associated a number to the campaign. Once the number is associated campaign goes back into pending state for provider 2nd review. Once 2nd review is complete as well then Campaign is approved and campaign and numbers move to an active state and you can start sending messages.

Please refer to the below documentation to learn more about the 10DLC campaigns.


Further, if in case the campaign is not approved then you can refer to the below documentation to know why it was rejected and what you can do to fix your 10DLC campaign registration

[+] Registering a 10DLC campaign - 10DLC campaign registration rejection reasons -

answered a year ago
  • Unfortunately, your comment does not actually address the question. As noted, the old campaign was approved (three years ago, to be precise). I'm just trying to change the number to 10DLC. The number is marked as pending, not the campaign.


Beginning January 26, 2023, Amazon SNS’s SMS vendors introduced new manual review processes on 10DLC campaigns to address SMS spam concerns raised by US carriers. You can use short codes and toll-free numbers as alternatives to 10DLC to send SMS in the United States.

Currently our SMS vendors have not provided service-level targets on how long 10DLC campaign reviews will take. Reviews are triggered once a number is associated to a 10DLC campaign. Reviews are taking longer than the 14-day estimated time Amazon Pinpoint has previously communicated.

Amazon SNS is working with SMS vendors daily to ensure that:

  1. Vendors complete any pending 10DLC campaign reviews as soon as possible
  2. Vendors prioritize AWS requests in their backlogs

You can check the status of 10DLC campaigns by following the directions at 10DLC campaigns. If additional information is required to approve a 10DLC campaign, the AWS support team will notify you.

You might be able to register a US toll-free number faster than obtaining 10DLC numbers. For more information on US toll-free numbers and the registration process, see Toll-free number registration requirements and process.

Reference -

Brief summery in short, as the 10DLC campaigns and numbers are registered and approved with external registration partners. There is no further action can be done within AWS side.

I can fully understand that it is a blocker for you. However, the reviewing process is the policy that is from the US government, which is not within AWS control.

answered a year ago

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