How to set up dev to build/restore EC2 snapshots easily


Is there a simple way in EC2 to let a user snap and restore an EC2 instance as they're testing throughout the day? I'm used to the simplicity in VMware/Hyper-V to just rightclick and snap/restore at will as I'm testing. In EC2, managing volume snapshots seems to be a pain; AMI instances still seems more work than it's worth. I'm looking into AWS Backups and struggling with its vault restore permissions at the moment, but wondering if that's truly the simplest way to go about this.

Thank you for any guidance.

asked a year ago252 views
1 Answer

With AWS Backup, it restores with a different private IP as well. Any way to retain the private IP?

Essentially, is there a way to restore an instance 'in place', overwriting the existing instance?

answered a year ago

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