I am being charged for using VPC but I'm not


I'm struggling to find out why am I being charged for VPC when 3 months back there wasn't any charge. I need someone to investigate this asap as it is unexpected costs.
I did create a VPC few months back but I have deleted it as well. Therefore everything should go back to 0 but yet it hasn't. Please help

asked 20 days ago164 views
2 Answers


Could you please share a detailed invoice image?
You can view your invoice by following the steps in the document below.
You need to check which items in your VPC are generating charges.
You can check the details by clicking the "+" sign on the invoice as shown below.

I'm struggling to find out why am I being charged for VPC when 3 months back there wasn't any charge.

Since this did not occur three months ago, there may be a public IPv4 in your AWS account.
AWS started charging for public IPv4 from February 2024.
You can search for public IPv4 in your AWS account by following the steps on the AWS blog below, so please check it out.

profile picture
answered 20 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago

Please make sure if you have deleted NAT Gateways and Public IPS. AWS charges for those services in VPC.

answered 20 days ago

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