Edit Contact information for my domain


i try to edit (Change domain owner) contact info for my domain but it is awaiting approval sent to pre-registered email i can't access to old email, how i can solve this problem?

asked a year ago219 views
1 Answer

There is a possible workaround to update the registrant's email address without accessing the current registrant’s email address. This would require you to only change the email address for the registrant contact. Don't change any other values for any of the contacts for the domain. If you also want to change other values, you change them later in the process.

To verify the new email address, we send a verification email to the new address (if required for the TLD). You must choose the link in the email to verify that the new email address is valid.

After the email is successfully updated, you can change other values for the registrant, admin, or tech contacts for the domain. For further details, see [1][2].

[1] How do I change the email address for my registered domain in Route 53 if I lost access to my previous email account - https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/route-53-change-email-for-domain [2] Updating contact information for a domain - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-update-contacts.html#domain-update-contacts-new

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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