Not able to change the name servers for the domain in route 53


I have a domain in route 53 for which I want to change the default nameservers. I updated the existing record with new nameservers but it is not reflecting even after 1 week. When I checked the domain details in, I still see default nameservers. Note: I did not create new record for new nameservers but modified existing record.

1 Answer


When you updated the name servers, did you do so in your domain's Amazon Route 53 hosted zone or in the "Registered domains" section of Route 53?

If you changed the domain's settings in the "Registered domains" section of Route 53, I would recommend submitting an AWS support ticket to further troubleshoot.

If, however, you modified the name server record in your hosted zone, you'll want to revert that change and update your name servers using the instructions here.

  • If you want Route 53 to host your DNS records, you'll want the name servers in your domain details to reflect those listed in the name server record in your hosted zone. If you don't remember what they were, that's fine, you can recreate the hosted zone to get new ones.
  • If you only want to use Route 53 as your domain registrar, and you want to host your DNS elsewhere, you'll want the name servers in your domain details to reflect those of your desired DNS hosting service. In this case, you can ignore the Route 53 hosted zone entirely and simply update the name servers in your domain details.


answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you Carter! I think I need what is mentioned in bullet point#2. I have modified name servers in the domain itself and it will take time to reflect. Thank you for assistance!

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