How to use psycopg2 to load data into Redshift tables with the copy command


I am trying to load data from an EC2 instance into Redshift tables but cannot figure out how to do this using the copy command. I have tried the following to create the sql queries:

def copy_query_creator(table_name, schema):
    copy_sql_template = sql.SQL("COPY {table_name} from stdin iam_role 'iam_role' DATEFORMAT 'MM-DD-YYYY' TIMEFORMAT 'MM-DD-YYYY HH12:MI:SS AM' ACCEPTINVCHARS fixedwidth {schema}").format(table_name = sql.Identifier(table_name),schema = schema)
    return copy_sql_template


def copy_query_creator_2(table_name, iam_role, schema):
    copy_sql_base = """
    COPY {} FROM STDIN iam_role {} DATEFORMAT 'MM-DD-YYYY' TIMEFORMAT 'MM-DD-YYYY HH12:MI:SS AM' ACCEPTINVCHARS fixedwidth {}""".format(table_name, iam_role, schema)
    return copy_sql_base

where schema is the fixedwidth_spec in the example snippet below:

copy table_name from 's3://mybucket/prefix' 
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole' 
fixedwidth 'fixedwidth_spec';

The function that uses the query created looks like so:

def copy_query(self, filepath):
        schema = Query.create_schema() #returns the formatted fixedwidth_spec
        table_name = Query.get_table_def()  #returns the table_name
        print(copy_query_creator_2(table_name, iam_role, schema))
        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
                with open(filepath) as f:
                    cursor.copy_expert(copy_query_creator_2(table_name, iam_role, schema), f)
                    print('copy worked')
          '{copy_query_creator_2(table_name, iam_role, schema)} ran; {cursor.rowcount} records copied.')
            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:

The two attempts return errors. The first returns 'Composed elements must be Composable, got %r instead' while the latter returns 'error at or near STDIN'. Please help.

asked 2 years ago188 views
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