DNS address could not be found


Hello, I am facing a problem where my website’s DNS address cannot be found.

What I have done:

I have purchased a domain through Route 53 and use S3 buckets.

I have followed this guide https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough.html#website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough-domain-registry and everything was followed.

The provided website endpoint works as I can see my website and it functions correctly.

The hosted zone is set with the guide and it has 4 records. 2 that get generated (haven't been touched) and 2 for my domain and subdomain.

The record names and the bucket names match.

The value/route traffic to the NS record name is:

  • ns-1971.awsdns-54.co.uk.
  • ns-506.awsdns-63.com.
  • ns-769.awsdns-32.net.
  • ns-1249.awsdns-28.org.

The name servers of the domain are the same

  • ns-1971.awsdns-54.co.uk
  • ns-506.awsdns-63.com
  • ns-769.awsdns-32.net
  • ns-1249.awsdns-28.org (They were not but I changed them)

When I try the test record without entering enting in record name the DNS response code shows No Error, however when I type in the exact same name in the record name I get Non-Existent Domain.

So basically I have no idea where to go from here, please help.

  • If I'm understanding correctly, you're trying to create a record in Route 53 to point to your static website on an S3 bucket, is that correct? Is your S3 bucket named the same as the record your adding to Route 53 (e.g. my.site.com)?

asked 2 years ago342 views
2 Answers

Only way someone can guide is, if you share output of your both test and also domain name

answered a year ago

Hey there,

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this is what I have so far: Your ultimate goal is to set up a website using S3 using Route 53 to associate a record to your static website to a registered domain. You were able to set up the website endpoints correctly to view the website and functions as well as purchased a domain name under Route 53. This leads to your main issue that your DNS query runs into issues when testing the registered domain.

It’s difficult to determine what went wrong with the DNS response, as the domain name was not specified. However, it is recommended to run the following command on your terminal: dig +trace [domain_name]. According to [1], the dig command used with trace will allow you to follow the query of the DNS request. In doing so, you will be given more insight on where specifically the query misroutes to an invalid domain.

References: [1] https://phoenixnap.com/kb/linux-dig-command-examples

answered 10 months ago

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