Cannot restart EC2 instance



I can't re-start my EC2 instance. It was unexpectedly found in a stopped state and cannot be restarted.
Instance: i-08f3186ff42xxxxxx Availability zone: us-east-1b

AWS forum chat for a similar problem (threadID=151576) suggested un-attaching and re-attaching the volume.

I unattached the volume: vol-038ebe6e8bdxxxxxx I cannot re-attach it - the option is greyed-out. Trying to Force Detach Volume results in error:
'xxx: Volume xxxx is in the 'available' state'.

thanks for any advice

asked 5 years ago395 views
2 Answers

Will try Azure, thanks.

answered 5 years ago


I can see that the EBS volume vol-038ebe6e8bdxxxxxx is, unfortunately, showing the 'error' status. The 'error' status indicates that the underlying hardware related to your EBS volume has failed, and the data associated with the volume is unrecoverable [1].

If you have an EBS snapshot of the volume, you can restore that volume from your snapshot.

If you don't have an EBS snapshot of the volume, create a new EBS volume, and then restore the data to it using the manual backup solution you prefer.

It’s a best practice to keep backups of your EC2 resources, including EBS volumes. For more information, see Best Practices for Amazon EC2 [2].

Note: You are not billed for volumes with a status of error.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience that this has caused to you.


answered 5 years ago

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