Filter duplicate CVE alerts with EventBridge


Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to filter duplicate CVE findings that get sent to ChatBot, preferably without any Lambda functionality. Right now we get tons of duplicates in our Slack Channels daily with the following Event Pattern:

  "source": ["aws.inspector2"],
  "detail-type": ["Inspector2 Finding"],
  "detail": {
    "status": ["ACTIVE"],
    "fixAvailable": ["YES"],
    "packageVulnerabilityDetails": {
      "vendorSeverity": ["HIGH", "CRITICAL"]

After some research I tried different patterns like these but without success:

  "source": ["aws.inspector2"],
  "detail-type": ["Inspector2 Finding"],
  "detail": {
    "status": ["ACTIVE"],
    "fixAvailable": ["YES"],
    "packageVulnerabilityDetails": {
      "vendorSeverity": ["HIGH", "CRITICAL"]
    "findingId": [{
      "exists": true
    "createdAt": [{
      "exists": true
    "updatedAt": [{
      "exists": true,
      "anything-but": [{
        "equals": "${$.detail.createdAt}"

Is it possible to achieve what we are trying to do without writing functions manually or are we out of luck?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


As far as I know, I don't think it can be done with EventBridge alone.
Therefore, I think you will need a configuration that combines Lambda and DynamoDB (anything other than DynamoDB is fine as long as it can record the notification once), etc., so that vulnerabilities that have been notified once will not be notified.

The AWS configuration will look like this:

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
reviewed a month ago

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