Migrate from EC2 with MSSQL to instance without


I need to migrate an instance with a SQL license to an instance without one to save money on the monthly bill. I've made a copy of the DB to RDS in SQLExpress, and tested with the application successfully. I now need to figure out how to migrate the data to a smaller instance without SQL. Anyone know the best way to achieve this? The basic method of changing instance type fails as it wont let me choose an instance without SQL.

asked 3 years ago892 views
1 Answer

"Changing your license type from License Included to BYOL will require you to import your your own Windows and SQL Server media through VM Import Export (VMIE) to create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). You can use these AMIs to launch Windows and SQL Server instances. In addition, when switching from license included to BYOL, you will be required to activate Windows Server using either your own Key Management Service (KMS) activation or Multiple Activation Key (MAK) activation."

Refer to AWS announces a new capability to switch license types for Windows Server and SQL Server applications on Amazon EC2

answered 3 years ago

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