I got this below response from amazon product advertise "GetItems" api . From the below json how do i know what is stock quantity of this product . Means total number of this products available ??Which parameter is for that ??
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Thanks to the different weight classes you can choose from, you can always increase the weight.", "Training effect/success – whether you want to strengthen the top and bottom musculoskeletal system or to improve endurance performance, the hexagon dumbbells from POWRX know no limits.", "Product features – the product has a casting core coated by floor-friendly rubber. The chrome handles are ribbed to ensure a safe and effective workout.", "Quality tested – all POWRX products are subject to quality tests during production. We use the best materials and process them to produce a premium finish." ], "Label": "Features", "Locale": "en_GB" }, "ProductInfo": { "Color": { "DisplayValue": "Black", "Label": "Color", "Locale": "en_GB" }, "IsAdultProduct": { "DisplayValue": false, "Label": "IsAdultProduct", "Locale": "en_US" }, "ItemDimensions": { "Height": { "DisplayValue": 0.00393700787, "Label": "Height", "Locale": "en_GB", "Unit": "Inches" }, "Length": { "DisplayValue": 1.968503935, "Label": "Length", "Locale": "en_GB", "Unit": "Inches" }, "Weight": { "DisplayValue": 11.0231131, "Label": "Weight", "Locale": "en_GB", "Unit": "pounds" }, "Width": { "DisplayValue": 0.787401574, "Label": "Width", "Locale": "en_GB", "Unit": "Inches" } }, "Size": { "DisplayValue": "5kg", "Label": "Size", "Locale": "en_GB" } }, "Title": { "DisplayValue": "POWRX Hexagon Dumbbell Set of 2 | Rubber Dumbbells Coated 5-30 kg | Knurled Chrome Handle, 2 x 5 kg", "Label": "Title", "Locale": "en_GB" } }, "ParentASIN": "B01IDYZ0UO" } ] } }
Please provide more context around what you are trying to do, the call that you are making and perhaps expected response vs response received. Thanks