How to specify nodeJS runtime through AWS CLI lambda update command?


In the lambda create command you can specify nodeJS runtime environment parameter for lambda, but in the update command you will get an error if you specify runtime parameter. As a result, you have to manually update nodeJS runtime in the UI. What would be the best solution if I prefer to not manually update in UI?

1 Answer


You could use the update-function-configuration command to update the runtime, by specifying the identifier of the function’s runtime from a list of possible values, on the runtime parameter.

However, as explained on the following Knowledge Center article, you can't change directly the configuration or function code in a published Lambda function version; you must first change the current unpublished function version ($LATEST) using the update-function-configuration command and then publish a new function version using the publish-version command.

I hope this helps you.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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