CCP stops loading when SSO password is about to expire in 10 days


Hi Team, we have a strange situation where users are complaining when SSO password is about to expire lets say in 10 days , CCP will stop loading and throws the error ECUI failed to login . background -- > we have amazon connect SSO deployed to our infra .

with my understanding CCP should not stop loading when SSO password is about to expire in 10 days or 5 days . users are complaining about this Can you please advise if there is any configuration or setting available to avoid thanks !!

2 Answers

Hi David , no password is not expired . i talked with experts and checked their SSO password will expire in 10 Days but their CCP stops working 10 days before the SSO password expires . this is very weird and strange not sure why and how this is happening . once users resets the password 10 days before CCP starts loading in and works as usual . any help in this regard will be appreciated a lot thanks Aj !!

answered 5 months ago

Any chance the email notification going out is wrong and their password is already expired? If an account were to expire and they try to login to CCP, would it generate the same failure? If the authentication is working then I don't see how this would happen, which tells me that authentication is failing.


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answered 5 months ago

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