aws iot MQTT test client not support XML format


I am using the AWS IoT MQTT test client to publish XML data to an MQTT topic, but I am encountering an error where the message cannot be displayed in the specified format.

data is <SensorData> <Temperature>26.397156144460933</Temperature> <Humidity>55.26943049065625</Humidity> </SensorData>

However, when I check the AWS IoT console, I see the following error: Message cannot be displayed in specified format.

I suspect the AWS IoT MQTT test client might not support XML format messages. Has anyone else encountered this issue, or does anyone know how to resolve it? Is there a specific configuration or format that needs to be used to display XML messages correctly in the AWS IoT console?

asked 3 months ago161 views
2 Answers

Hi. It doesn't support XML. You'll get the error message, and your payload will be displayed as plain text.

AWS IoT rules engine only parses JSON:

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

You can use a free client like mosquitto, or a commercial MQTT test client like MIMIC MQTT Simulator to overcome such limitations.

answered 3 months ago

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