Python CDK DynamoDB Table.grant_read_write doesn't include PartiQL permissions.


I am using the python CDK to grant a lambda function permissions to a DynamoDB table.

if I use: my_table.grant_read_write(my_lambda) the lambda fails with error "no identity-based policy allows the dynamodb:PartiQLUpdate action'"

however, if I use: my_table.grant_full_access(my_lambda) the lambda succeeds and I can confirm the updates were made.

I don't want to grant full access. I can add a inline policy to the lambda, but I am trying to understand why the builtin method doesn't work.

Why doesn't the read/write permissions cover the partiQL statements?

1 Answer

That is the current expected behavior:

  • BatchGetItem

  • GetRecords

  • GetShardIterator

  • Query

  • GetItem

  • Scan

  • BatchWriteItem

  • PutItem

  • UpdateItem

  • DeleteItem

Whereas grantFullAccess simply allows all: Permits all DynamoDB operations ("dynamodb:*") to an IAM principal.

In order to allow PartiQL operations you can do the following:

table.grant(my_lambda, 'dynamodb:PartiQLSelect');

Moreover, you can contribute to CDK to make amends as it is open source, or simply create a feature request on the GitHub:

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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