Cant see EBS Volume after succesfull creation


I belive i have permission as i dont get an error, but once created. WHen i search for volume ID its not their, it in correct location etc ?

asked 5 months ago146 views
2 Answers

Hello Dwight,

There are several reasons why this could be happening.

  1. You might be in the wrong region. Make sure you are in the correct region. You can select the correct region from the drop-down on the right-hand top of your screen.
  2. Check CloudTrail for any errors. Open CloudTrail by searching for it in the AWS Services search bar making sure you are in the correct region. Click on Event History. In the right-hand pane from the Lookup Attributes choose Event Source and on the search bar, you can enter For better results, you can limit the scope of the search by giving a start and end time.

With this, you will be able to see if the volume was indeed created or not and whether there were any errors.

Let me know what you find.

Best regards, Mukul Dharwadkar

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answered 5 months ago


You can find all resources from the Global View of your Volumes

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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