Multiple CNAME pointing to one CloudFront distribution


I am hosting a CloudFront distribution pointing to a backend for my service ( I have a multi-tenant system where I also provide other users the ability to point their sites to ours ( I would like to add multiple CNAMES to the CloudFront distribution, but due to the fact that each CNAME needs to share one SSL certificate, we are unsure on how to proceed. We have the individual certificates for all of these sites, but there does't seem to be an option to assign multiple.

Here is an example of what we want to achieve with CloudFront:

where we have the SSL certificates for and, but not one certificate to cover three unique domains.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can serve multiple domains from an Amazon CloudFront distribution over HTTPS:

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • This requires an SSL certificate to cover every domain. Do we need to request a certificate applicable to every hostname that we intend to use?

  • This can be done using one certificate with multiple Subject Alternative Names (SAN).

  • Understood, thank you for your assistance.

  • There appears to be a 10 domain limit on the multiple SAN certificates that AWS provides. In the scenario that we need to deal with up to 50 domains, is there a feature for CloudFront similar to the Elastic Load Balancer where we can attach multiple certificates?

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