How to Solve This Error in AWS DMS Serverless?


I am currently facing an issue with AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) Serverless and need some assistance. Below are the details:

I receive the following failure message after started the serverless replication instance:

Test connection failed for endpoint '#####' and replication config '#####'. Failure Message: 'Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: Failed to connect to database.'

(Note: The endpoint name and replication config have been redacted by ##### for privacy.)

Steps Taken: 1. Tested Endpoints: Verified that both the source (MySQL RDS DB) and target (S3) endpoints were tested successfully.

2. S3 Bucket Configuration:

  • Confirmed that the S3 bucket configuration is correct.

3. Checked IAM Role and Policies:

  • Reviewed the S3 IAM role and its attached policy.
  • Verified the trust relationship policy associated with the IAM role.

Additional Information: Source Database: MySQL RDS DB Target: S3

Despite these checks, the connection continues to fail. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

Thank you!

asked 25 days ago51 views
1 Answer

I assume that this is dms connectivity issue to s3 on private network.

Starting DMS version 3.4.7 DMS must access the source bucket through a VPC endpoint or a public route.

Unlike replication instances, AWS DMS Serverless replications do not have a public IP address for management tasks

thus having VPC endpoint is a must.

this link should give insight on how to create a vpc endpoint to access s3 bucket on private network.

Once you have a VPC endpoint setup, make a note of subnets which would be using this vpc endpoint.

say you 3 VPC subnets. Next is create a AWS DMS replication subnet group with this 3 subnets.

Now while setting up DMS serverless replication config use this DMS replication subnet group.

this should resolve the endpoint connection issue.

for reference you can check the blog

answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago

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