TAO Dashboard deployment failed (table `ta_organizational_view_reports` doesn't exist)


I'm trying to create a TAO Dashboard following the steps in TAO DASHBOARD DEPLOYMENT - Option 3: CloudFormation Deployment.

I'm executing the CloudFormation template from Terraform, and I get the following error:

"The following resource(s) failed to create: [taoQuickSightDataSet]. Rollback requested by user." 
"Resource handler returned message: \"SYNTAX_ERROR: line 3:6: Table awsdatacatalog.athenacurcfn_billing_cur_report_definition.ta_organizational_view_reports does not exist [Execution ID:..."

The DB athenacurcfn_billing_cur_report_definition already exists (it was created some time ago, during the deployment of CID & CUDOS dashboards).

The table ta_organizational_view_reports does not exist. However, in the lab instructions it's stated:

6. Update your Athena Database Name with the name of the CUR Athena Database where you want to deploy table for TA reports. Leave default if you are not sure which database name provide

I understand the table will be created by the CloudFormation template (tao.cfn.yml).

Is my understanding wrong?

2 Answers


Currently the TA Orginizational view is only supported in the Manual report generation method, as mentioned in the previous step for Create and uploading the Trusted Advisor Report under the " Trusted Advisor Organizational View" dropdown

Please attempt to re-deploy your TA Orginizational report by using the manual deployment method.

answered 2 years ago
reviewed 2 years ago
Accepted Answer

Problem turned out to be in the template itself. I've been using the template found in:
As indicated in lab:

Later I used the template located in GitHub repository:
https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cudos-framework-deployment/ Specifically, the release 0.2.3.

This template is exactly the same than the other one, but it changes the table name:
Old: Name: ta_organizational_view_reports.
New: Name: !Join [ '' , [ !FindInMap [ "Definitions", "taoAthenaTable", "Value" ] , !Ref taoSuffix ] ].

With this template, TAO dashboard was deployed successfully.

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answered 2 years ago

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