Sagemaker Studio error when launching kernel - "Failed to start kernel"


When attempting to start a custom coda environment in Sagemaker Studio, we get the following error:

Failed to start kernel
Internal Server Error (Context: RequestId: c00f****88****, TimeStamp: 169*****, Date: Tue Jul****)

We are using the latest version of SageMaker Studio and have restarted Studio several times with the same result. My role has Limited Administrative rights, but should be sufficient for all steps here.

Any Assistance here would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

The error you're encountering, "Failed to start kernel", could be due to a variety of reasons. Here are a few possible solutions:

  • Check your IAM Role Permissions: Ensure that the IAM role associated with your SageMaker Studio user profile has the necessary permissions. The role should have at least AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policy attached.
  • Check your Custom Kernel: If you're using a custom kernel, ensure that it's correctly configured and compatible with the SageMaker Studio environment.
  • Check your VPC Settings: If your SageMaker Studio is set up within a VPC, ensure that the necessary networking and security configurations are correctly set up.
  • Check the Instance Type: Ensure that the instance type you're using has enough resources (CPU, memory) to start the kernel.
  • Check the Logs: You can check the logs in CloudWatch for more detailed error messages. This can give you a better idea of what's causing the kernel to fail to start.

If you have any code or specific configurations related to this issue, please share them. It would be helpful in providing a more accurate solution.

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answered a year ago

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