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Hi Jeevan,in general,
UID - Redshift DB User name
PWD - Password for the Redshift user UID.
User - Username of the user in your IDP when using IAM authentication (And can be used instead of UID when using standard authentication).
Password - Password of the user in the IDP (And can also be used instead of PWD when using standard authentication)
Ideally, using UID and PWD should work. I would start by checking the JDBC logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/jdbc20-configuring-logging.html#jdbc20-using-log-files) to identify the issue.
answered 2 years ago
Hey Jeevan!, Greetings.
Sorry to say, I am not totally aware JDBC connections. But these are few points to help you out:
- Authentication and SSl
- Cluster url can help you with connection. Example: jdbc:redshift://examplecluster.abc123xyz789.us-west-2.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/dev
- Confirm JDBC driver version
- try sql ini file
Hope this helps,
answered 2 years ago
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Hi, I did try to logging errors, it seems like driver is taking default properties ie (windows login) . user it taking precedance over UID. UID get's override. Is there any thing like, If we don't provide user, then driver takes our windows login user?
No, the UID does not have any default value. Are you trying to use SAML authentication with an IDP? In that case, You would have to verify your driver settings and the settings in your IDP.